Muhammad I. Bhaiyat, BVM, PhD

Professor, Veterinary Pathology
Department of Paraclinical Studies
Phone: (473) 444-4175 ext. 3338
Fax: (473) 439-5068

Dr. Bhaiyat received a DVM in 1995 from Hokkaido University, Japan, with a thesis topic titled “Neuropathologic Studies of Newcastle Disease in Chickens caused by a mesogenic virus strain.” His undergraduate education was completed in 1988 at the University of Zambia, Zambia where he earned a BVM.

Dr. Bhaiyat began his career as Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology in 2001 at St. George’s University, Grenada, in the School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Paraclinical Studies and is the recipient of the SGU Paraclinical Teaching Award for Spring 2007. Since 2004 he has been a full professor charged with many teaching responsibilities including course director for Veterinary Pathology II, course director for Laboratory Diagnostic Skills, coordination of the Auburn Necropsy Demo Link, coordination of necropsy rounds, diagnostic pathology, supervision of post graduate students and teaching topics of systemic veterinary pathology to undergraduate students. Dr. Bhaiyat’s prior teaching, research, and consulting experience was gained from 1995-2000 at Department of Paraclinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zambia, Lusaka.

Dr. Bhaiyat’s research interests include infectious diseases of domestic and wild animals and poultry, and he is interested in research projects involving case studies of importance submitted for postmortem examination and retrospective studies on pathological conditions encountered in domestic animals in Grenada.

Dr. Bhaiyat is fluent in English, Gujarathi, Urdu, Japanese, Tonga, Nyanja, and Chilapalapa.