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Marancik D, Fast M, Camus A. 2013. Proteomic characterization of the acute-phase response of yellow stingrays Urobatis jamaicensis after injection with a Vibrio anguillarum-ordalii bacterin. Journal of Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 34(5):1383-1389.
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Marancik D, Leary J, Fast M, Camus A. 2012. Humoral response of captive zebra sharks Stegostoma fasciatum to salivary gland proteins of the marine leech Branchellion torpedinis. Journal of Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 33(4):1000-1007.
Marancik DP, Berliner AL, Cavin JM, Clauss TM, Dove ADM, Sutton DA, Wickes BL, Camus AC. 2011. Disseminated fungal infection in two species of captive sharks. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 42(4):686–693.