6 pieces of advice every new resident should hear

For those who celebrated their residency placements this past Match Day, the wait to begin the next step of their medical career is finally over. July typically marks the start of residency, and in the weeks between Match Day and this month, soon-to-be interns wait with anticipatory excitement.

With this wait comes questions and worries, but no incoming class of residents is the first to embark on this journey and they certainly aren’t in it alone. There is always a community of more seasoned MDs available to turn to for wisdom and advice.

“Keep in touch with your alumni association so you can hear about get togethers at national specialty meetings, events in your region, and other fun things like periodic reunions for your class,” said Dr. John Madden, director of St. George’s University’s Office of Career Guidance and Student Development and an SGU graduate. “This will help you maintain the sense of community and support you built while attending medical school at SGU.”

One of the most valuable resources to incoming residents are those who have recently completed their intern year and can offer seasoned advice on how to best make the official transition from med student to MD. Check out what these SGU graduates had to say.

Kaitlyn McSurdy, MD ’20

Hometown: Ringtown, PA

Current position: PGY-3 internal medicine resident and soon-to-be chief resident

Hospital: Temple University Hospital

“Trust the process and don’t get bogged down comparing yourself to others. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it—your seniors and attendings will trust you more if they know you’re not afraid to ask for help—and seek frequent feedback on how you can improve. Most importantly, despite the chaos of intern year and residency, never lose sight of why you chose this as your career.”


“You will grow so much in just one year, and you will be so surprised when the next wave of interns comes in and they are looking to you for the same advice and guidance that you once received from your helpful colleagues.”


Olufunso Adeniran, MD ’21

Hometown: Long Island, NY

Current position: PGY-2 family medicine resident

Hospital: Case Western University Hospital

“The most important lesson that I’ve learned throughout my career is that having a positive attitude can help you go far.

Focus on being the best in the current stage you are in. Residency is a fast-paced environment with learners at all different stages. It’s so easy to compare yourself to more knowledgeable senior residents or even your attendings and beat yourself up for knowing less. But really there is no comparison. For you, the knowledge will come. Be patient with yourself. Your goal should be to become the best intern you can possibly be. A huge part of being an intern involves not knowing everything—not knowing most things actually—but as you try your best, read, and ask questions, you get better!”

Christopher Reilly, MD ’20

Hometown: Hillsborough, NJ

Current position: PGY-3 emergency medicine resident

Hospital: HCA Florida Brandon Hospital

“You’re going to make mistakes. But the only way to progress is move forward and learn from them. Failure is necessary to become a better doctor. Remember that you have your senior residents, and your attendings, there for you when things aren’t going the way you planned. Keep that in mind.”

Hannah Nguyen, MD ’21

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Current position: PGY-2 psychiatry resident

Hospital: Arrowhead Regional Medical Center

“The most important thing I’ve learned throughout my career is to play to my strengths and work on my weaknesses. Taking this approach while studying, networking, and working will allow you to tap into your full potential.”

Chris Lewis, MD ’21

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Current position: PGY-2 general surgery resident

Hospital: Atlantic Health-Morristown Medical Center

“One piece of advice I would give to incoming residents is to take every day as a learning experience. There will be good days and some bad days, but the overall year will be full of learning whether you realize it or not. Make time for yourself. Setting aside some time outside of work to make sure you are doing something that you enjoy will drastically improve your mood and work ethic.

And finally, it is okay to be a bit nervous or intimidated with the responsibility. It’s natural and happens to everyone, whether they admit it or not. All it means is that you care for the patients and understand the responsibility that you have to do right by them.”

Shelby Parker, MD ’21

Hometown: Albuquerque, NM

Current position: PGY-2 emergency medicine resident

Hospital: University of Rochester-Strong Memorial Hospital

“Be honest with yourself about what you know and don’t know, and never hesitate to ask your senior, attending, or nursing colleagues for help. Everyone starts as a beginner, and your job during residency is to learn how to become a great doctor—no one expects you to know it all from day one. You will grow so much in just one year, and you will be so surprised when the next wave of interns comes in and they are looking to you for the same advice and guidance that you once received from your helpful colleagues. Also, always respect and thank your colleagues and consultants! We’re all in this together with a common goal of taking care of patients.”

—Sarah Stoss

Related Reading

Clinical faculty spotlight: Dr. Otto Sabando, DME at St. Joseph’s University Medical Center

What is it like to be a clinical student at St. Joseph’s University Medical Center in Paterson, NJ?

Dr. Otto Sabando, DO, FACOEP, FACEP, FFSMB, as the director of medical education for St. George’s University students who are completing their clerkships at the hospital as well as its designated institutional official (DIO), sees hundreds of new clinical students each year.

As the DME for the 526-bed acute care hospital, Dr. Sabando oversees the hands-on training students receive as part of the clinical portion of their medical education. St. Joseph’s offers all core rotations for third-year students as well as elective rotations in specialties like anesthesiology, cardiology/interventional cardiology, gastroenterology, hematology/oncology, and orthopedic surgery, for example.

Dr. Sabando has been working at St. Joseph’s for the past 17 years, however his first foray into medicine was as a hospital corpsman for the US Navy early on in his career. The lessons he learned in the military, he says, are invaluable to med students and he tries to pass on those lessons today. Dr. Sabando shared with SGU News his best advice for how med students can be successful in clinicals and residency.

SGU: What are some key lessons or attributes that students will acquire during their clinical rotations at St. Joseph’s?

Dr. Sabando: I always tell students when they start that they are starting over. The first or second year you pretty much accumulated knowledge, but now you’re actually going to interact with patients.

I expect students to learn how to converse with patients, communicate well within a team, and certainly become team members with the nurses. The nurses have a lot to teach you, so definitely respect them. And finally, to be on time and be professional. Those are the five big things I always tell them. If they can do that, then they will do well in clinicals.

SGU: What is your overall impression of St. George’s students?

Dr. Sabando: Early on in my career as a residency director here, we had several St. George’s students coming through who were really interested in emergency medicine. I was impressed by them. Their knowledge base was awesome, the way they spoke to the patients, the way they interacted with a team, I mean, bar none, they were highly trained individuals who knew that they were getting into a competitive field. So, from that to seeing students today, in general, they are well-trained and can stand on the same ground as med students from US medical schools and osteopathic schools.


“The most important advice I can give to students and new residents is don’t stop studying, don’t stop networking, and certainly practice evidence-based medicine.”


SGU: You started your career in the US Navy. What traits did you acquire while in the Navy that helped you during your medical career? 

Dr. Sabando: My parents were immigrants from Ecuador, and they really didn’t have funding for myself and my brother to go to college. I enlisted in the military and became a hospital corpsman in the Navy. That’s where I met nurses, PAs, doctors, and then I went on to field medical service school with the Marines. I really enjoyed it.

The people we served in the Marines, wherever we were stationed, the population we served at that moment, it was just an incredible feeling to be able to help them. And then having the doctors and nurses guide us as a corpsman and medics was something I never forgot.

In addition, the leadership skills that I developed, the communication, the teamwork, and the discipline, it all came from there.

SGU: You then went on to become a DO, specializing in emergency medicine. Why did you choose that field?

Dr. Sabando: I remember really enjoying all my third-year clerkships and then my very first fourth-year rotation was in emergency medicine, and it all came together. It was everything that I learned in my third year plus my experience in the military—it was a lot of acute care and triage—I felt at home. So, I decided to pursue the career.

SGU: Why do you like working with medical students?

Dr. Sabando: It’s always exciting to have that student who’s coming in eager to learn from you. There’s nothing greater than the student turning around and saying thank you for teaching me, even if it was just one patient.

While I enjoy being able to impart knowledge onto medical students, there is also the potential for them to impart knowledge onto me because they’re fresh from medical school and maybe they have something new they can share with me that I haven’t yet read about.

SGU: For a student who may be considering applying for a residency at St. Joseph’s, how can they be competitive?

Dr. Sabando: The residency directors get thousands of applications each year. In emergency medicine, for example, for the eight positions that we have, we generally average around 1,200 applications. So how do we sort through that?

  • The very first thing we do is we look at board scores. Students have already taken the USMLE 1, so really everything’s going to hinge on that second board score.
  • If you’re currently rotating with us, we’re going to be taking a closer look at your evaluations, the Dean’s letter, and anything that might make you stand out.
  • In addition, the personal statement is very important—that’s definitely going to set students apart. Program directors love reading personal statements, and sometimes residents help screen applicants as well. They may notice something that the residency director has not.
  • Finally, good grades.
  • The bottom line is you are competing against the rest of America, and you have to be the best, if not for yourself, then for your patients.

SGU: What’s the best piece of advice you received throughout your career that you can impart to students?

Dr. Sabando: The best mentors that I had were very knowledgeable because they always stayed on top of new research and reading material.

That’s what keeps you fresh, so the most important advice I can give to students and new residents is don’t stop studying, don’t stop networking, and certainly practice evidence-based medicine.

SGU: Are there any other tips you want to share with students on how to be successful in clinicals?

Dr. Sabando: Just to remind students about the importance of professionalism in the hospital environment. This is essentially an ongoing job interview, and the biggest challenge is to make sure that they’re processing, that they’re on time for rounds or, for example, if there is an issue, that they call up and inform us that they will be running late. Like any job, just be professional about it.




— Laurie Chartorynsky



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Community volunteering helps clinical SOM students see big picture

A volunteer experience can be eye-opening and educational for aspiring physicians, according to three St. George’s University clinical students.

Third-year SOM students Zekeria Sawaged, Natalia Cardona, and Peter Killian, who are currently doing rotations at Hackensack Meridian Jersey Shore University Medical Center, recently attended a Children’s Mental Health Day event at Allaire Community Farm in Wall Township, NJ. Run by the state’s Children’s Inter-agency Coordinating Councils (CIACC), the event brought together many agencies who work to serve children with mental health needs.

Ms. Cordona, Mr. Sawaged, and Mr. Killian assisted at the hospital’s “Trauma Injury Prevention” table and offered information to visiting families about the importance of wearing bike helmets. They also had the opportunity to speak to other agency representatives attending the event to learn about the work that these advocates are doing in the community, and meet with county officials and organizers of the event. At the end of the day, the students had a chance to relieve some stress by feeding goats who live on the farm.

Clinical students at Jersey Shore University Medical Center take a break from their rotations to participate in community service.

“Children’s Mental Health Day was as much of a learning experience for the children and families as it was for us,” said Mr. Killian, an aspiring emergency room physician. “There are so many programs available to the general public that healthcare providers are not familiar with. As a potential ER doctor, learning about resources that help to prevent injury, self-harm, and eventual emergency room visits was eye-opening.”

The students were able to take part in the event through the hospital’s “Med-Students Making a Difference” program, started in 2020. Students are invited to choose a community project that they have a passion for and participate in various outreach programs offered by the hospital, according to Tracy Nerney, BS, RN, MMBA, the trauma injury prevention coordinator at Jersey Shore University Hospital.

According to Ms. Nerney, the program:

  • Raises student awareness about many aspects of healthcare
  • Gives them the opportunity to develop their presentation skills
  • Provides accomplishments they can add to their portfolio.

“They also develop a positive sense of self as they see the impact they can make and collaborate with other students while having some fun! Zekeria, Natalia, and Peter did a great job in representing our organization and they plan to share what they learned with other medical students,” she added.

As for the students, they felt the day was valuable for their training as future physicians.

“Being a part of the community is integral to my training as a future psychiatrist, as the interactions and the bonds built are priceless,” said Mr. Sawaged. “As doctors in training, we have a responsibility to continue engaging with the communities that trust us to better their experience. This event allowed us to expose children and their families to mental health resources, while also providing outlets for those who are in need.”

Added Ms. Cardona: “Participating in Children’s Mental Health Day was a humbling experience. We got the chance to educate children and families about the importance of taking care of themselves physically and mentally. As a future pediatrician, I believe that going into the community and educating children early will be the key to leading healthier adult lives.”



— Laurie Chartorynsky



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Celebrating Pride Month: How to be an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community

SGU students celebrate Pride Month.

Each year, the LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and/or Questioning, and Asexual and/or Ally, plus) community celebrates its liberation movement throughout the month of June.

Named “Pride Month,” it is a chance for people who identify as LGBTQIA+ and others, such as allies—heterosexual and cisgender people who support equal civil rights, gender equality, and LGBTQIA+ inclusion movements/efforts—to gather and commemorate both the struggle and challenges faced as well as the positive changes made to acknowledge and support this group.

But what does it mean to be an ally to underrepresented groups like the LGBTQIA+ community, and how can we all support these members of the St. George’s University community in our day-to-day lives?

To offer perspective, meet Gabrielle Rivera (she/her), the incoming fall term president of Pride & Equality SGU student club and a Term 5 School of Veterinary Medicine student, shared tips on how we can all become allies to underrepresented groups such as LGBTQIA+ people, and why observances like Pride Month can elevate the importance of diversity and inclusion and create a community of mutual respect and support.

St. George’s University: What does Pride Month mean to you? 

Ms. Rivera: Pride Month means representation for the marginalized LGBTQIA+ community by promoting equal rights and self-affirmation. It allows our community to celebrate, be visible, and stand up for the fundamental right to love. Our ability to celebrate Pride Month would not have been possible without our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans minority groups of color in the 1960s. Their courage to stand up for equal rights paved the way for LGBTQIA+ folks to be included. I am thankful for their determination, and I hope our community can keep taking steps forward so one day we won’t have to “come out” anymore.



SGU: How can students, faculty, and staff in the SGU community be an ally to all? 

Ms. Rivera: Allyship is such a pivotal part of our community, and we encourage our allies to join us as we continue to create a safe space for our community at SGU. Allowing yourself to be an ally helps the LGBTQIA+ community feel safe and seen within your presence.

  • One way to be an ally can include integrating inclusive language in your everyday life. Asking someone their pronouns when you first meet them shows you are open-minded and inclusive.
  • Another great way to be an ally is becoming involved in the events/opportunities for the LGBTQIA+ community by the Pride and Equality club or the other clubs/events on campus.
  • Denouncing anti-LGBTQIA+ comments or jokes during your everyday life helps the fight against the discrimination that is still present. All of your allyship efforts help build up our community as we continue to push for acceptance and understanding.


“Allowing yourself to be an ally helps the LGBTQIA+ community feel safe and seen within your presence.”


SGU: What does it mean to be supportive of all different walks of life? 

Ms. Rivera: When you are supportive of all different walks of life you are open to all people despite their gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, etc. You create a safe space for someone to be their authentic self without judgement.

SGU: How can we create a community of mutual respect and support? 

Ms. Rivera: We create a community of mutual respect and support by the acknowledgment that not everyone is the same. Even though you may not understand someone’s identity or sexual orientation, you still hold mutual respect and support for that person. This will bring togetherness within a community.

SGU: How do observances like Pride Month elevate the importance of diversity and inclusion in healthcare? 

Ms. Rivera: Observances like Pride Month elevate the importance of diversity and inclusion in healthcare by bringing awareness to the essential need for embracement towards all different people no matter their identity or sexual orientation. Having acknowledgements that promote diversity allow healthcare professionals to live their lives freely and with integrity as we give back to our human or animal patients. Creating a more accepting environment for medical workers will only help people feel safe and comfortable in their work environment amongst colleagues.

SGU: How can the SGU community get involved with P&E SGU?

Ms. Rivera: All members of the University are eligible for membership within P&E SGU including faculty, students, and staff. You can join by filling out our form. Also follow us on Instagram @PrideandEqualitySGU and Facebook Pride & Equality SGU.




–Jessica Epps and Laurie Chartorynsky


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SOM grad returns to train the next generation of physicians

Before deciding to attend medical school at St. George’s University, Michael Keenaghan, MD ’06, considered entering the field of astrophysics with hopes of becoming an astronaut. He had been filled with a desire to both “know” everything and to help people. However, it was a family friend and former chair of pediatrics who recommended he apply to SGU, which inspired him on the path to specializing in pediatric critical care.

Not only does Dr. Keenaghan have a passion for his specialty of choice, that passion also extends to teaching the next generation of medical students. Since completing his residency training at SUNY Downstate (he served an additional year as chief resident) and his fellowship at New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital Columbia University, Dr. Keenaghan has been involved in academic medicine. At NYC Health + Hospitals/Kings County, where he worked for the past eight years, he was the associate director of pediatric critical care and associate chief academic officer. While there he developed and managed a pediatric simulation center focused on developing trainees’ procedural skills.

In 2013, he took on an associate professor position at SGU where he assisted students at patients’ bedsides at Kings County hospital. Three years later, he was appointed associate medical director of education and became involved with advising students initially with SGU’s Office of Career Guidance and then through its onsite student advisors.

But little did he know that his two passions would eventually lead him back to Grenada one day. Earlier this year, Dr. Keenaghan accepted a full time position within the School of Medicine as an assistant dean of students, moving with his family back to the island. In this new position, Dr. Keenaghan manages SOM’s academic advisors for clinical students. He discussed with SGU News his new role, how it feels to also teach Term 5 SOM students, and his plans to work with Grenada General Hospital to support and grow its pediatric critical care service.

St. George’s University: Can you share why you wanted to come back to Grenada and work at your alma mater?

Dr. Keenaghan: I was given a great opportunity to help students achieve their academic goals, as well as provide pediatric critical care support for the children of Grenada.

One of the best rewards in being an intensivist, after caring for an extremely sick child—a day, a week, or a month later when all the lines and breathing tubes have been removed—they smile. It is a priceless moment.

SGU: What are you most passionate about in your work?

Dr. Keenaghan: Each doctor, over the course of their career can contribute to about 2,000-2,500 extra patient lives lived. In pediatric intensive care, if I do my job well, I may contribute far more since my patients are so young. However, being able to help many more caring people become doctors every year, multiples that logarithmically. Alone I can help some, but together we can help the world. Being a teacher and assistant dean at SGU truly makes that possible.

SGU: Share what your experience was like at SGU and its impact on your life?

Dr. Keenaghan: I met my future wife a month before moving to Grenada in 2002.  Being 2,100 miles apart, she kept me focused on my studies and not distracted. She was my greatest support when school was the hardest. I think without her I wouldn’t be a doctor, but without SGU there would be no us, and our five amazing boys. Grenada gave me my first two dogs, lifelong friends throughout the world, and now is the place that I call home. I’d say it had a pretty large impact.

SGU: How well do you feel that SGU prepared you for the next step in your journey?

Dr. Keenaghan: I felt extremely prepared. I learned to persevere when things may not be in my favor, which has helped me on to all the next steps. From those lessons I learned the power of second chances, both in my own experiences and in my patients.

SGU: What plans do you have for the future in your new role?

Dr. Keenaghan: They are too numerous to count, but I’ll start with growing the Clinical Academic Advising Development and Support team and services to continue to help students succeed. Also, providing support to the healthcare professionals at the Grenada General Hospital in any way they need.

SGU: What advice would you give to prospective students who are considering applying to SGU?

Dr. Keenaghan: Don’t hesitate to follow your dream. Dedicating yourself to study and becoming a physician means giving up a few things for a few years. While pursuing your MD there are no immediate rewards along the way, but the long-term ones are worth every minute and every penny. Sitting in biochemistry learning about mitochondria for the third time, may not be the most fun, but standing in the ICU remembering that methylene blue improves mitochondrial respiration and starting it on a patient with severe shock, then saving their life, that’s worth it.



– Ray-Donna Peters


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A desire to make an impact leads SGU grad to become an expert in LGBTQIA+ healthcare

Asa Radix, MD ’88, PhD, MPH decided to pursue medicine out of a desire to offer patient-centered healthcare in an often-overlooked community in need.  Dr. Radix’s career has focused on LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Ally, plus) health and policy and being able to ensure patients receive quality care that is respectful, non-judgmental, and meets the unique needs of members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Dr. Radix is originally from Grenada and attended SGU on one of the first Grenadian scholarships. They currently serve as senior director of research and education at Callen-Lorde Community Health Center in New York City—which has a mission to serve LGBTQIA+ communities and people with HIV.

In addition to their work at Callen-Lorde, Dr. Radix is a clinical associate professor of medicine at New York University and holds faculty appointments at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and Yale University. Over the years, they’ve developed expertise in transgender health and contributed to several US and international clinical practice guidelines and textbooks.

In honor of pride month, SGU News spoke with Dr. Radix to find out more about their experience providing care to the LGBTQIA+ community and the journey to becoming an expert in this field.

St. George’s University: Why did you choose your specialty?

Dr. Radix: I trained in internal medicine and then completed a fellowship in infectious disease. Infectious disease is a broad specialty, but it is a good field for people who like clinical practice as well as research. I like the diversity of the specialty. You can focus on many different areas such as travel medicine, global health, antibiotic stewardship, and emerging infectious diseases as well as a choice of inpatient or outpatient settings.

I mainly focus on HIV and Hepatitis C but still see patients with a wide variety of issues.

SGU: What are some unique medical needs of the LGBTQIA+ community? 

Dr. Radix: Members of the LGBTQIA+ community also have other social identities or groups to which they belong with varying health priorities. There are some issues that are common for all, such as difficulty in finding respectful healthcare providers as well as frequently facing discrimination in health settings. As a result, LGBTQIA+ individuals may underutilize cancer screening interventions, and there are often higher rates of substance abuse, including tobacco use, which is probably related to experiencing social stressors such as interpersonal and structural discrimination. In addition, it is important for medical providers to offer appropriate HIV/STI screenings and HIV prevention interventions (e.g., pre-exposure prophylaxis) to those who are eligible.

SGU: What training can physicians interested in working in LGBTQIA+ healthcare participate in?

Dr. Radix: There isn’t a specialty in LGBTQIA+ health. However, there are healthcare environments with a mission to care for LGBTQIA+ individuals, such as health centers like Callen-Lorde or dedicated clinics at other institutions. Many require training in a primary care specialty, such as internal medicine, family medicine, or pediatrics. Usually, these centers provide training in LGBTQIA+ health since most incoming providers have not had adequate experience during their medical school or residency training.

There are also organizations, such as GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality and The LGBT Health Workforce Conference that hold annual meetings for clinicians who are interested in this field.

SGU: When you look back at your professional journey to this point, what stands out to you most as being the most formative experiences?

Dr. Radix: I trained in the early 1990s when HIV was one of the most important and prevalent health issues that we saw. It was also a time when there were few therapeutic options available. Taking care of individuals living with HIV was a major motivation for pursuing a fellowship in infectious disease.

SGU: How did your experience at SGU help prepare you for your career?

Dr. Radix: I was fortunate to do most of my clinical rotations in the United Kingdom and to be exposed to a diverse student body throughout my SGU experience. The love of travel continued, and I completed a diploma in tropical medicine in London during my infectious disease fellowship as well as a Master of Philosophy in epidemiology at Cambridge, later leading to a PhD at Columbia University.

—Sarah Stoss

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59 students inducted into Gold Humanism Honor Society

Fifty-nine soon-to-be physicians were inducted this past weekend into the St. George’s University chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society for the 2021-22 academic year. The prestigious award recognizes students, residents, and faculty who exemplify compassionate patient care and serve as role models, mentors, and leaders in medicine.

To celebrate the inductees, the SGU chapter held a reception at the Four Points by Sherton hotel in Flushing, NY—its first in-person ceremony since the beginning of the COVID pandemic.  School of Medicine Dean Emeritus Dr. Stephen Weitzman emceed the event, and two of last year’s inductees, and members of the 2022 graduating class, Fiyinfoluwa Soluade and Marina Tucktuck, were invited to share insights with the newest group of students who were selected to join this prestigious group.

“These students were chosen by their peers who felt they exemplified humanism in medicine. The world is in desperate need of physicians and, more specifically, humanistic physicians,” said Dr. Weitzman. “The students inducted this year are now part of an international society. We hope they will be leaders in advancing the principles of the GHHS in patient care.”

This year’s inductees completed their clinical training during the worst of the global healthcare crisis—a challenging experience for all medical students of this class. Current chapter members nominated their peers based on who demonstrated exemplary patient care, devotion to the community and the underprivileged, trustworthiness, and strong listening skills during these formative years of exposure to the field of medicine. After initial evaluation based on the nomination criteria, shortlisted nominees were then invited to submit a statement demonstrating their passion for medicine and commitment to the GHHS pledge.

“Our chapter, like others, moved its induction ceremony and activities online during the pandemic,” said Dr. Cheryl Cox-Macpherson, SGU GHHS chapter advisor, and chair of the bioethics division of SOM’s Department of Clinical Skills. “No matter the circumstance, we keep our chapter projects going each year by identifying team leaders and inviting new members to join one of our existing projects. It is genuinely rewarding to see and hear the wonderful stories that come with this work and inspire hope for compassionate and thoughtful patient care.”

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation established the Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) in 2002 out of a desire to foster and acknowledge humanism during medical education. Since its inception, the GHHS has been established at more than 160 medical schools, awarding thousands of students with honors. The SGU chapter was established in 2004.


Sarah Stoss

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SGU School of Medicine Holds Graduation Ceremonies for Class of 2022

St. George’s University School of Medicine celebrated its 41st commencement this weekend in Arthur Ashe Stadium at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center.

“The faculty, staff, and administration of St. George’s University extend our heartiest congratulations to the class of 2022,” said Dr. G. Richard Olds, president of SGU. “Our graduates have accomplished so much, and we’re thrilled to send them on their way into careers as physicians.”

The St. George’s University class of 2022 will join a network of more than 19,000 alumni practicing in the United States and around the world. Later this month, they’ll begin residency programs in more than 40 states and the District of Columbia in several competitive specialties, including surgery, emergency medicine, and psychiatry. SGU also sends many graduates into high-need primary care specialties, such as internal medicine, pediatrics, and family medicine.

A significant share of SGU alumni work in medically underserved areas, and many have served on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

SGU is the largest source of licensed physicians for the entire U.S. workforce. The country could face a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.

“Our graduates are well-equipped to deliver top-notch care — and to tackle the most pressing problems facing our healthcare system,” said Dr. Richard Liebowitz, vice chancellor of SGU. “They will no doubt have a long-lasting positive impact on the lives of countless patients.”




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With SIM Skills In Hand, SGU Students Come Out Ahead At AMSACon

A team of student representatives from St. George’s University came home with big winnings from the American Medical Student Association’s national convention (AMSACon) in Washington, DC.

School of Medicine students and SGU AMSA chapter members Tasha Phillips-Wilson, Stephanie Moody-Geissler, and Mark Iannatuono won AMSACon’s National Simulated Patient Challenge. The group, who called themselves “The CardioversionKids,” competed against more than 25 teams from medical schools across the US and the Caribbean using Body Interactive, a virtual patient care platform that allows students to practice diagnostic and treatment skills using simulated patients.

After performing well in the qualifying rounds on two case simulations, the team provided care for a simulated patient who presented with acute coronary syndrome. The team correctly identified his condition and treated him appropriately, more effectively and quickly than any of the other six teams invited to take part in the final round.

“We feel our victory would never have been possible without SGU’s rigorous academic preparation,” Mr. Iannatuono said of the experience. “Our team is now on to the World Championship round which will be hosted online in October.”


One of the critical areas where SOM students receive rigorous academic preparation is in clinical skills via the simulation lab. SGU’s SiMLAB provides an opportunity for many medical students to have their first direct interaction with ill and injured patients in a safe, simulated learning environment. In this learning environment, students are exposed to the following medical simulation-based training modalities:

  • Skills training using tasks trainers (e.g., IV catheter insertion)
  • High-fidelity manikin training
  • Standardized (simulated) patient encounters
  • Computer-based or cloud-based simulation (via i-Human)
  • Hybrid training with both standardized patients and manikins

“Our simulation training sessions are invaluable tools which are utilized primarily for two purposes: to safely increase the educational experiences for students and improve healthcare delivery,” said Dr. Anna Cyrus-Murden, assistant dean of simulation at SGU. “Thus, simulation provides a safe environment to facilitate learning, practice, and achieving one’s competency goals, without the inherent risks that comes with its real-life equivalent.”

SiMLAB is an integral part of the SOM curriculum along with student’s exposure to standardized patients. The elements set the foundational knowledge and skills required for our students as they train for clinical encounters, according to Dr. Mark Clunes, senior associate dean of basic sciences.

“That the SGU AMSA student team was able to come first in this national competition is testimony to their hard work and training and something that they—and our whole community—can be proud of,” Dr. Clunes said. “I was very happy to learn of their win and know that our whole community will be happy to hear of their success!”

Students won the AMSACon National Simulated Patient Challenge.


The SGU representatives also received individual honors at the annual convention.

  • Ms. Moody-Geissler was recognized with the AMSA Foundation Reproductive Health Poster Scholarship Award and elected as the National AMSA Global Health Advocacy coordinator
  • Mrs. Phillips-Wilson was elected to serve on the AMSA National Board of Directors as international trustee. Mrs. Phillips-Wilson is the former Academy Chair and was also honored with the Presidential Distinguished Service Award in recognition of her work in leading the University to win the Paul R Wright Chapter Success Award.
  • Mr. Iannatuono was elected as international membership director for the organization.

When asked for comment, Mrs. Tasha Phillips-Wilson said: “I know I speak for all the SGU students in attendance at AMSACon when I say what an honor it was to represent our amazing University.”  

—Sarah Stoss



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Ukraine-born grad travels to Poland to help refugees in need

International medical and humanitarian assistance groups and volunteers from around the world have been traveling to border cities to provide aid and medical care to Ukraine refugees, including Dr. Mariya Vengrenyuk, a 2016 graduate of St. George’s University School of Medicine.

Dr. Vengrenyuk splits her time as a travel hospitalist and as a clinical investigator working on vaccine trials for pharmaceutical product development. She was born in the Ukraine and moved to the US when she was nine.

Feeling an emotional pull to help her native country’s people, Dr. Vengrenyuk has traveled to the Poland-Ukraine border at Przemysl with SSF-Rescuers Without Borders, a medical relief agency dedicated to help people in distress. Following her work with SSF, she will also visit her hometown of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine with the organization, Revived Soldiers Ukraine.

Before leaving, Dr. Vengrenyuk shared why she wanted to offer her services in this capacity and how her training at SGU prepared her for this journey.

St. George’s University: How did you get involved with both organizations?

Dr. Vengrenyuk: I learned about SSF through my colleagues. A few doctors from Philadelphia that I know from residency training volunteered with SSF in March 2022.

As for Revived Soldiers Ukraine, I have been volunteering with this organization for the last few years. I traveled to Ukraine in the summer of 2021 twice. We opened a physical therapy rehabilitation in Irpin (a city outside Kyiv that was heavily shelled recently). Our rehab still stands now that Russian troops retreated from this area.

We have been bringing wounded soldiers to the US. Our organization president finds hospitals who treat them pro-bono or we purchase health insurance to help cover surgery costs.



SGU: What are you expecting to see when you get there? What kinds of tasks/treatments/aid will you give to refugees?

Dr. Vengrenyuk: I think my role will be providing urgent care type of evaluations. I speak Ukrainian, Russian, and I can understand Polish—so I can help translate medical information.

With SSF, this is a medical tent clinic that is located right at the border. Many refugees are people who left their home with minimal belongings. Some will have missed their medications for weeks. I expect to see patients with chest pain, possible URIs, diabetics with hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, uncontrolled blood pressure, minor wounds, skin infections, etc. I know that many women have been sexually abused and some are pregnant. This is difficult to talk about, but we may be the first health personnel they encounter after these terrible experiences. I will also see many people with acute stress disorders, anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

SGU: How have you emotionally prepared for the trip?

Dr. Vengrenyuk: I am glad I did not fly there in February or March. At that point I was in a state of shock, I was crying every day. I needed to learn to cope with the war myself before I could go and provide care to others impacted.

SGU: Why do you feel it was important for you to volunteer in this capacity?

Dr. Vengrenyuk: I am in a position to help. I speak the language. I understand where these people come from. I have medical training. It may not be combat training—but I think any medical background will help during moments like these. I am young, healthy, I do not have a family of my own, I feel I am in a position to give back. I can also help financially. I was lucky to have moved to the US at age nine when my parents won the green card. Had we still lived in Ukraine—we could have been the ones crossing this same border as refugees.

SGU: How has your training at SGU prepared you for this type of medical assistance?

Dr. Vengrenyuk: SGU was an incredible experience, I am very proud that I went to SGU. It opened a world of opportunities for me. First of all, going to Grenada was the first time I left my parent’s home. In college, I lived with my parents. It was a brave first step to pursue my dream and try something unknown.

I think my SGU experience prepared me to always be ready for new opportunities and to learn to adapt quickly. I made many connections at SGU with doctors who now practice all over the world. I stay in touch with several SGU graduates.

SGU: What kind of characteristics/traits does a doctor need to have to function in a war-zone environment?

Dr. Vengrenyuk: I think you need to be brave, rational, and selfless. I love people in general and if I can lessen their pain, whether physical or emotional, I will try my best to do it.

Also, you need to be compassionate but not emotional. You need to be ready to see and hear terrible stories but not let it impact you to the point where you cannot help. You need to be open to learn new skills quickly.

SGU: Anything else you would like to share about the trip?

Dr. Vengrenyuk: I plan to do more trips like this, hopefully I can go back to the Ukraine in August.




— Laurie Chartorynsky


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