SCSK 540 Global Touch of Medicine
David Holmes, BSc (Hons.), PhD, CSci, FIBMS Robert Hage, MD, PhD, DLO, MBA
Students in Term 1 can register for this selective. It runs over three terms, two in Newcastle (Terms 1 and 2) as part of the KBTGSP and one (Term 3) in Grenada. At completion of this selective, students will understand why different systems have evolved and exist over time and interpret the pros and cons of each. While in the KBTGSP in Newcastle you will learn about the UK National Health System (NHS), then go on to learn about the Grenada health care system during your final year of basic sciences on the True Blue campus. The elements of this selective consist of: public lectures, seminars, active participation in research days, participation in health fairs and/or activities linked to charity organizations, and other activities by discretion of the course directors. Lectures and seminars usually are a one- hour activity and count toward one hour for the selective.
Activities such as research days and health fairs add to half an hour for every two hours of active participation in the event. A logbook must be kept by each student and should be signed off at every event. A total of 15 hours is sufficient to be eligible for obtaining one credit for this selective.
In closing the selective there will be a session where all participants give a short presentation of their experience to peers, faculty, and interested parties.