PTHB 515 Veterinary Virology
(3 cr.) (Didactic) The course consists of giving veterinary students the biological background needed for the understanding of viral diseases. Veterinarians are confronted daily with viral infections. Because of this fact, it is essential to deal with these unique classes of infectious agents in detail. Students of veterinary medicine should have a thorough understanding of certain viruses and the major diseases of veterinary importance caused by them.
This course is divided into general virology and systematic virology. General virology deals with the basic nature of viruses, classification, multiplication, host-virus interaction, viral pathogenesis, diagnosis and vaccines. Systematic virology deals mainly with individual viral diseases. The major viral diseases which are of importance for veterinary practice will be discussed affecting each host species of veterinary significance. This course will provide the basic understanding needed to deal with the viral infections usually encountered in clinical veterinary practice.