PHAR 681 Pharmacology
The primary objective of the Pharmacology course is to provide the student with a solid basis for understanding the pharmacology of therapeutic agents, and thus with a foundation for future clinical decision-making with respect to pharmacological therapies.
The course begins with a basic principles module exploring the fundamental principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. This is followed by systematic discussion of the major drugs used in specific clinical situations. Topics covered include the pharmacology of the autonomic and central nervous systems, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine and autacoid pharmacology, and chemotherapy. Particular emphasis is placed on the mechanisms of action, therapeutic and adverse effects and clinical indications of drugs used in medical practice.
The lecture sequence is coordinated with the Pathophysiology course and the schedules are subdivided into different subject blocks to facilitate learning across disciplines.
Each lecture has well-defined learning objectives intended to help students organize their study and prepare for exams.
For advanced discussion of selected topics, the class is divided into small groups, and short high-yield clinical cases are presented and discussed by students under the guidance of a group facilitator. The small group sessions are designed to provide a clinical context to help students apply acquired knowledge and explore new knowledge, as well as to integrate Pharmacology with Clinical Medicine and Pathophysiology.