BUSI 327 International Trade Regulations
This course is designed to provide students with a general introduction to the principal multilateral organization responsible for the regulation of international trade, namely the World Trade Organization (WTO). Through an examination of the rules, principles and functioning of the WTO and other regional trade agreements, students will be given an opportunity to assess the role/relevance of trade agreements and negotiations, as part of a broader business development strategy.
In addition to the core obligations, students will be introduced to the rules/principles and policy considerations governing trade in goods and services, including non-discrimination, preferential treatment, regional agreements, sanitary and phyto- sanitary measures, permitted exceptions (for policy objectives) and the dispute settlement process. Students will also be introduced to the main regional trading arrangements such as the Caribbean Single Market and Economy, the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the Caribbean-Canada (CARIBCAN) and the USA’s Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) trade agreements.
BUSI 480 – Independent Studies I (Electives)
BUSI 481 – Independent Studies II (Electives)