Password Management System
To access the Password Management System
- From a web browser, navigate to
- Enter your University credentials, click Login
Setting Password Responses (Password recovery)
Note: The first time that you access the Password Management site, you will be prompted to setup your recovery challenge questions and answers.
- Select the five questions that you would like to answer.
- Enter an answer for each of five security questions.
- Click Save Responses and confirm that the Successpage displays.
Note: If any of your answers do not meet the minimum-security requirements in length or content, you will be prompted to enter a more secure answer.
Main Menu
Options on Main Menu:
- Change Password – change your current password.
- Setup Password Responses – Setup your forgotten password responses.
- Account Information – Information about your password and password policies.
- Logout – Logout of the password self-service application.
Forgotten Password Link
Resetting your forgotten password:
- Click the Forgotten Password link at the bottom of the page.
- Enter your SGUe-mail address.
- Enter your last name.
- Click the Search
- Answer the three security questions that you are presented with.
- Once completed, click the Check Responses
- Enter a new password and confirm.
- You can now log into the system with the new password.
- If you have forgotten both your University password and your security challenge questions, please contact us at +1 473-439-2000, ext. 4444.