SVM Rewards Excellence at Term Awards Celebration, Phi Zeta Induction

SVM fall 2024 awards ceremony group photo

SVM students, staff, and faculty celebrate their achievements at the SVM Fall 2024 Term Awards

In November, the St. George’s University (SGU) School of Veterinary Medicine recognized the outstanding accomplishments of its students, staff, and faculty during two notable events: the Fall 2024 SVM Awards Ceremony and the Phi Zeta induction ceremony.

“To our incredible students, faculty, and staff, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the winners recognized at the Fall Term Awards ceremony and to the newly inducted members of Phi Zeta,” said Dr. Neil Olson, dean of the SVM. “Your dedication, innovation, and unwavering pursuit of excellence reflect the very best of our School of Veterinary Medicine.”

Forty-nine fifth and sixth term SVM students and four faculty members were recognized as inductees into the Alpha Delta Chapter of the Society of Phi Zeta on November 1.



As the honor society for veterinary medicine, the Society seeks to recognize and promote scholarship and research in matters pertaining to the welfare and diseases of animals, according to Phi Zeta. The SGU chapter is headed by SVM faculty, Dr. Kerri Nigito as president, Dr. Sophia Moittié as vice president, and Dr. Sonia Cheetham-Brow as secretary and treasurer.

At the School of Veterinary Medicine Fall Awards Ceremony, held on November 15, the SVM community celebrated the achievements of students and faculty as 33 sets of awards were presented to recipients.



“Congratulations to our outstanding students, dedicated faculty, and exceptional staff for their remarkable accomplishments,” said Dr. Tara Paterson, associate dean of Year Four Clinical Training at SGU and chair of the SVM Awards Committee.

She went on to share that the drive to succeed should not stem from material things, such as awards, but rather fueled by an inner desire to work hard and be the best “you” that you can be.

This semester’s awards are as follows:

Outstanding Colleague Awards

Term 1: Paxton Horvath

Term 2: Yvelisse Welden and Amante Mozaffarian

Term 3: Taylor Edwinson

Term 4: Jaelyn Ingram

Term 5: Jason Gutmann

Term 6: Caroline Vangi and Brittany Watson

Adrienne Lotton Memorial Award

Asiamay Diaz

Dean Neil C. Olson Award for Academic Excellence & Professionalism

Michael Starrett

Zoetis Revolution Awards of Excellence

Small Animal Internal Medicine: Shana Hodosh

Small Animal Surgery: Michael Starrett

Equine Medicine & Surgery: Alyssa Willibey

Food Animal Medicine & Surgery: Christian Cavazos

Scholarship of Service: Samantha Palmer

Surgery Team award: Benjamin Liu, Isabelle Mays, Mikka Muramatsu, and Jamie Park

Dr. Jim Nave Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice

Michael Starrett

Giant Paws Giant Hearts Foundation “Hercules” Award

Brittany Watson

The Veterinary Professionalism Award

Caroline Vangi and Dylan Glasser

Dr. Ravindra Nath Sharma Pathology Excellence Award

Leslie Escobar

DES Recognition Awards

Andrea Anguisaca, Jennifer Burke, Faith Van Rengen, Esmeralda Sifuentes, and Penny Wang

PAWS Recognition of 6th Term Facilitators

Diamond Blanks, Dylan Glasser, Lindsey Honnert, Dariann Ludwig, Jessica Martin, Cassandra Mayberry, Emily Meade, Sharon Paredes, Ally Prince, and Nahir Roman-Rodriguez

SAVMA: Student American Veterinary Medical Association

SAVMA Executive Board Extraordinary Service Award: Julia Vaccaro

Feral Cat Project

Cat-tastic Member Award: Rebekah Wilson

Ameowzing Faculty Award: Dr. Elizaveta Vasechkina

Veterinary Public Health Committee

One Health One Medicine Community Leader Award: Kyra Boss

One Health One Medicine Faculty Excellence Award: Dr. Lucian Thomas

LAS: Large Animal Society

Ace of Initiative Award: Morgan Forney

Watchful Sheperd Award: Mr. Irfan Ahman Khan

AAARF: Angels in Armor Animal Rescue Fund

AAARF Angel Award: Kaylee Schultz

AAARF Armor Award: Dr. Wayne Sylvester

P&E: Pride and Equality

Excellence in DEI Awards: Naomi Crowell and Dr. India Paharsingh

RDIC: Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Club

RDIC’s Raddest Vet Award: Ryan Phoenix

SCACVIM: Student Chapter of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine

Most Dedicated Member Award: Katherine Dunn

SVECCS: Student Chapter of the Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Society

Most Outstanding 6th Termer Award: Courtney Conway

Outstanding Clinician Award: Elizaveta Vasechkina

SCASV: Student Chapter of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians

Shelter Scholar Award: Sidney Hajdik

SNP: Spay Neuter Pothound

Pothound Hero Award: Jacqueline Paradine

SCVMA: Students of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Superstar Canadian Award: Victoria Miller

Outstanding Advocate Award: Dr. Inga Karasek

SCACVP: Student Chapter of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists

MVP Award (Most Valuable Pathologist): Hayley Wuestenberg

EWS: Exotics & Wildlife Society

Excelling Elephant Award: Abigail Dobbs

WAG: Wellness Aide Guidance

The Praiseworthy Pothound Award: Brooke Bridges

VAC: Veterinary Anesthesia Club

Anesthesia Excellency Award: Elim Yee

Distinguished Veterinary Anesthesia Educator Award: Dr. Mercedes Miccio

WAVMA: World Aquatic Veterinary Medicine Association

MVP: Most Valuable Porpoise Award: Elizabeth Williams

Green Consortium

Ex “Seed” the Expectation Award: Ashley Pino

SCAAVP: Student Chapter of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists

Worm of Wisdom Award: Linh Le

SGA: Student Government Association

Outstanding Faculty Term 1—3 Award: Dr. Diana Stone

Outstanding Faculty Term 4—6 Award: Dr. Talia Guttin

SGU SGA Award of Excellence Term 1—3: Dr. Hector Zerpa

SGU SGA Award of Excellence Term 4—6: Dr. Mercedes Velaquez de Zerpa

George B. Daniel Award: Ally Prince

SGU SVM Technical Staff Award

Lucinda Ogilvie

Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence

Dr. Sophie Moittié

Hill’s Golden Apple Teaching Award

Dr. Firdous Khan

Alpha Delta Chapter of the Society of Phi Zeta

Fall 2024 Inductees

Term 5: Elise Brehm, Caitlyn Collazo, Erin Connolly, Hannah Coplin, Rocio De Anda, Teagan Gartley, Elise Grandy, Daphne Harris, Sarah Hattis, Yue He, Sarah Kovacs, Ryan McGauley, Shelby Pardoe, Elana Raaphorst, Alejandra Pardo Ribero, Nicole Sadlier, Jessica Vitale, and Dana Wiens

Term 6: Allie Abell, Erika Billman, Ashton Corcoran, Hayley Ferranti, Dylan Glasser, Lindsey Honnert, Laura Jankowski, Grace Johnson, Dariann Ludwig, Emily Meade, Victoria Muttin, Jacqueline Paradine, Claire Woronick, and Haley Wozniak

Term 6 students inducted last term: Jayme Clarke, Courtney Conway, Germaine Germundson, Elizabeth Fournier, Haley Harraka, Shana Hodosh, Jessica Martin, Julia Moretz, Alexandra Morris, Nicole O’Connor, Samantha Palmer, Brie Pavol, Bianca Perez, Wesleigh Porter, Michael Starrett, Elena Wafford, and Rebekah Wilson

Faculty inductees: Ms. Naudia Dundas, Mrs. Camille Coomansingh-Springer, Dr. Adria Rodriguez, and Dr. Nyoni Winchester

— Juliette Kimmins

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